Discover the benefits of eco-friendly soap. Learn about the different options available, including alternatives to traditional liquid soap in plastic packaging. Find where to buy it online.
Why buy eco-friendly soap?
No Plastic
It’s already known that growth in plastic pollution surpasses mitigation efforts. In addition, recycling efforts don’t really mitigate the problem. It’s in our hands to use less plastic-packaged products. If you buy soap in paper packaging, you actually reduce the quantity of plastic in the environment. Moreover, you stop financing the plastic industry.
Cruelty-free soap wasn’t tested on animals. Learn more about what is cruelty-free at the post about cruelty-free toothpaste.
Good for your Health
Unlike regular soap, eco-friendly soap most likely doesn’t contain parabens and petroleum derivatives.
Good for Environment
Eco-friendly soap is biodegradable. It means that it naturally breaks down after it flushed into sewage.
Where to buy eco-friendly soap?
There are plenty of online stores where you can buy eco-friendly soap. I recommend the top-rated ones.
iHerb offers over 30,000 products from 1,200 trusted brands across Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Beauty and more! Moreover, iHerb offers free shipping on orders over 60 USD.
All of the below Amazon stores provide various shipping options with special discounts for Prime members.
Dr. Woods Castile Bar Soaps
Dr. Bronner’s – Pure-Castile Bar Soap
Castile Bar Soap by Kirk’s
Tom’s of Maine Natural Beauty Bar Soap With Raw Shea Butter
Below eBay links provide relevant search results. You can find great deals there as well.
castile bar soaps
cruelty-free bar soaps
Do you want to share your experience or soap you use? Feel free to share them in comments with the world 🙂
Environment will thank you

I believe each contribution towards a greener world matters. Make small steps along with millions of others. Accumulated steps will make a difference! You may want to check out Water Filter System – Alternative to Plastic Bottles post to learn how to reduce usage of plastics. In addition, check out plastic-free shampoo.